Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I was in search of question paper of previous selection test. But unfortunately didn't get it in internet. Now I want to share the descriptive question paper of Principal Selection test-KVS-2012.(based on my memory) 
Surely this will help those who are preparing for the post of principal in KVS, NVS.

10 questions have to be answered (in about 100-150 words.)
Time  3 hours

  1. 'India is a rich country with poor inhabitants'  what is your view about the statement. Discuss with example.
  2. What is BPL? What are main measures of estimating poverty in India. Review the present situation.
  3. 'Indian agriculture is a gamble with monsoon' discuss
  4. What is disguised unemployment? Suggest measures to overcome this problems.
  5. What is inclusive growth. Is its different from financial inclusion.
  6. What is meant by cost reduction ? What is the scope of cost reduction in educational institutes
  7. What is financial management? As a head of institute what steps you will take to maintain financial management in the institute.
  8. What are financial records. explain different types of  financial records
  9. What are the consequences of child marriage. under which act action is taken against child marriage.
  10. The government has recently decided that social sector such as education and health will also get infrastructure tag. What are the reasons for including these sectors under infrastructure tag. How will this decision help the economy.
  11. some people think crash in gold price will boost the economy. what are your views in this regard. discuss with strong argument.
  12. some people think education and knowledge are different. what do you think in this regard.
